2022 Recap
2022 State of the Group
Hawaii Web Group’s year in review – By Chris Norberg, Project Manager | JANUARY 11TH, 2023

Things started with a bang this year and never slowed. It’s been a year of building back up while assessing our impact on the island. The majority of our clients are tourism-based, and we’re working on ways to continue serving them while finding ways to curb negative impact on our communities.
(Also see the State of the Group 2021 report)
Some highlights from 2022:
- 2,469,670 users – The most traffic in a single year that we’ve ever had! That excludes traffic from a strong site we sold this last year.
- 988,203 social followers – We dropped below the million mark because we sold off some Oahu web assets.
- 132,279,950 impressions with 7,147,944 engagements on social media. We also dropped here due to our letting go of some web assets.
- Though we’re not counting it as part of Hawaii Web Group, we’ve partnered with MauiAccommodations.com and will be offering space to relevant clients in 2023. We’ve also taken back RoadToHana.com.
- This year, our focus will be on systematizing our processes in order to free up time for exponential growth in 2024.
What kind of traffic do our sites enjoy?
An overview of the past and present annual absolute unique visitors (currently referred to as “users” by Google Analytics.)

This has been the best year we’ve had as far as site traffic goes. Our goal is to keep this going, so we won’t be taking on too many new clients this year.
Hawaii Social Media
Hawaii Web Group’s social media following and current reach.

Our goal for 2023 is to maintain similar impressions and engagement.
Our Audience
Hawaii Web Group websites’ audience by gender, age, location, device, as well as social media numbers.

Obviously, mobile continues to dominate usage. We’re rebuilding all of our sites to make sure they offer the best mobile experience possible. Our audiences are a nice mix of locals and visitors of Hawaii.
2023 Goals
We’ll continue to rebuild our sites, rebrand social media and look for ways to have our impact be positive on our local communities.